<BGSOUND SRC="back2thefuture_johnny_b_goode.mid">
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Update: 12/20/2001
I have a new picture on page 3.    
AND check out the Christmas link under Watching for Santa on page 3.
                                                       October 1,1999
Dear Diary,
        Hello, my name is Gizmo Garcia, I am a one year old  Cairn Terrier (my birthday is July 4, 1998)   This is a picture of me on my trip to Gatlinburg  with my "Pop"  Mike.    He is a pretty good driver for a human,   I just wish he  would pick a straighter road for our next trip.   These curvy mountain roads make me a little woozy.
Dear Diary                 October 2,1999                                
This is a picture of me with my "Mom"  Molly.   We must stop sometimes for a  little trip to the bushes,  but Molly is so nice to carry me so that I don't get dirty,  we ladies have to stay clean ya know.
Check back soon for more of my adventures.   Until next time,  Adios Amigos
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