

One of the Premier Bird Clubs in South Africa catering for all Canary Species since 1971.

On Sunday morning the 4th June 1971 a group of eleven fanciers got together and founded the Boksburg Canary Club. At this historic meeting Mr. Chris Keeble was appointed the Chairman and President of this fledgeling Club. The club flourished and grew and now sports a membership of over 70 members.
In 1972 the Club hosted it's first Show and has not missed a year since then.

Mr Chris Keeble is still the President of the Club and at the sprightly age of 85 years he still is always willing to help and advise where he can.

A few intresting facts with regards to Mr. Keeble or as he is more affectionately known as "
Oom Chris"

At the tender age of Ten years he started breeding and keeping Canaries at 18 years he attended his first Show riding to the local Show in Johannesburg with his Birds in a carry box tied to the carrier of his Bicycle and with the years he progressed to Judging of birds. He was an active Judge for 65 years but due to failing eyesight he was forced to retire. He Judged 508 shows of which 19 was the National Show and 25 Provincial Shows. He was a Major Judge in the folowing Breeds of Canaries:
Lizards, Red Factors, Color Canaries, Borders, Norwich, Yorkshires and  Frills (Dutch and Parisian) and a minor Judge in Gloster Canaries.
He is currently the only Judge in South Africa who has judged and recieved 4 Gold Medals for Judging the folowing breeds at the National Shows: Norwich, Yorkshires, Borders and Color Canaries.

Such is the mettle of the members of this club they Join to stay.

My homepage:http://home.global.co.za/~gloster

Postal Address:
Boksburg Canary Club
Post Office Box 812
South Africa

To contact the club
