Diamond E Jack Russell Terriers |
 "Pengelli Irene" 12" Black/White lightly Broken.,(Pengelli Toby & Pengelli Bush)
Full Sister to" Pengelli Holly"1996 JRTCGB British National Puppy Champion
You can check out her other wins from my
Silverdale Jack Russells link at the bottom of the page..

We Would Like To Welcome from Wales.."Pengelli Bess" 12" B/W. Br.
Shown only three times,; Twice Champion, once Reserve Champion.
Diamond E Terriers here in Oklahoma come from only the best bloodlines that the United Kingdom has to offer and are raised as special members of our family with lots of tender loving care
from us and our three teenage daughters.From an early age, they are regularly exposed to natural hunting situations in our pastures ,creeks and timber.This is our passion in life, the working of these dogs. We strongly believe in quality conformation as form and function are closely related. An easy going temperament is extemely important, yet our dogs have that special Jack Russell way of "turning it on" in a hunting situation.
Ravenswood Rhapsody.13"T/W, Smooth.
{Meynell Radar & Ravenswood Harzard} Winner of Two Reserve Puppy Championships, including the JRTCC Nationals of 1994;, Foxport Trial Reserve Conformation Champion. Placing at both the JRTCA & JRTCC Nationals in 1995. JRTCA in 1996 & Numerous 1st place wins.
Most of our dogs can be found competing successfully in the JRTCA show ring with many Best & Reserve Championships to their honor.The bloodlines our dogs are from and hold, have notably accomplished more than any other bloodlines in the UK, be it in the show ring or as a terrier in the hunt.We have been very fortunate to aquire dogs from The "Meynell","Beacon","Jones",&"Pengelli" kennels and these same bloodlines have served us well.
We are forever gratefull to these British Terriermen. As with their parents many happy pups have grown up to become outstanding winners & workers pleasing both their owners and us.
Windsong Tassells Best Working Terrier Bitch Stained glass trophy from the
Romney 1999 trial was designed by Heather Ray~Bramble Port JR's
While our links are under construction, please feel free to look at my photo album here, in this photo album you will find our Studs, Bitches, & Puppies for sale.
~Meynell Randy & Ravenswood Rhapsody~
~Autumnwood Chisel & Windy Hill Wiggle~
JRTCA Champion parents and proven in the fields.
Diamond E Boogie at 4 months old. Reserve Best 4-6 Puppy Champion,Colorado,1998.
{Shreman Jones & Bowery Scenic Frost}
Diamond E Dealer (Pengelli Smudger & Ravenswood Rhapsody)
Reserve Best Dog Puppy at SWJRTN Fall Trial
Diamond E Tina Lee, 12",Tri-Color, Broken
Sayner's Digger II
Sire: "Pine Creek Monte"13"T/W.R.
Brass {GB Import}
Meynell Randy
Dam: "Diamond E Rikki"12"W.Sm.
Bowery Scenic Frost
Diamond E Rikki..Daughter of our Foundation girl.
Now owned by Ward & Renee Skinner.
Please feel free to contact me so I may share my knowledge of this unique, spirited dog with you.
We are proud supporters of the JRTCGB & JRTCA and believe in preserving this working breed.
It is important to be completely informed about the Jack Russell before adding one as a member of your home.These dogs are formost a working type breed and not for everyone, it is important that new prospective owners be informed of the breed. For more information and to find out if this dog is for you take the JRTCA link.
Here is our Meynell Randy and a litter of his puppies.
To contact us:
David & Cathy Eick
P.O.Box 263
Tryon, Okla. 74875
Links to a few of my favorite places
The Country Side Alliance Our friends at Silverdale Jack Russells in England Elysian Field Jack Russells (Canada) RailTown Jack Russells in England FoxShadow JRT's in New Jersey
Long Creek Jack Russells in North Carolina
Fox Island Kennel (Florida)
Jack Russell Terrier Club of America
NO! PUPPY MILLS Dirt Dog(Colorado) Briar Oaks Jack Russells (Texas)
As you will notice on the above links, some of these kennels are JRTCA & JRTCGB, while some are CKC & AKC supporters. We feel that although we, ourselves support the JRTCA and the JRTCGB entirely , we also feel as though we should not exclude our dear friends purely on the choice of registry for their dogs.
The Jack Russell Terrier Ring |