Richard Burgess
My web site has moved. The new and improved site is located at:

Most of my old site is still functional, and you may still view it below if you wish.
Betty is my wife. She runs the bereavement program at the hospice of Bristol Hospital.

Betty has 2 children, Jon & Audrey who are on my
People page. They are both in college and are quite interesting and wonderful people in their own right, but not as good as Betty, though they might get there eventually. (I must admit I'm somewhat unashamedly prejudiced in favor of their mother.)

The picture is of Betty and me at a recent event. Betty is the one on the right.
Betty and I were married on November 26, 2004. Clicking on the picture of us at the altar goes to our wedding day page with more pictures and a .pdf of the service.
Our Wedding
My Kitties
LICO: (LEE koh) I discovered Lico at the West Haven Animal Shelter. We don't know for sure how old she is, but we estimate 1 year when I got her. That would make her birthdate November 15, 1997.

Lico is my shy kittiy. She hid in the ceiling of the basement for her first 5 months here, but now she lives upstairs in my bedroom and office.
PIKA: (PIE kuh) Pika is about 2 years younger than Lico, but about twice as big. He is a strong and playful kitty. Pika is an extrovert and loves to play with anyone who will pay attention to him: visitors, me, or even his big sister (much to her regret).

Pika spends most of his time on his 'throne" by the front door.
HSO Horns
Hamden Symphony Horns
with links to HSO
People I Know
ncluding some from my past
(The picture is by me.)
Faith Invites You to Humor & Wisdom
Bible & Religion
Bible & Religion Stuff
Including my pericope group presentations.
Humor & Wisdom
Is there a difference?
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