Klassique Kottage
I've discovered I love playing with web pages - so I went one step farther
and am now trying my hand at making my own background sets.
Of course I'm driving my husband crazy because he can hardly
tear me away from the computer. He thought it was bad before
I started the paint shop pro stuff!
I'm just starting so some of my links may go no where yet.
Please bear with me, and let me know if you find a "go no where link".
I'm sure some of you have noticed my pages have been
"stagnant" for quite a while -
well, I had more ram installed so PSP 6 would run better,
and ended up with some major problems!
It's fixed, so I'm back and will be putting in some new backgrounds each week.
I started with the "horse" pages and added two. Keep checking back!
Thanks! :)
Terms for using any of my graphics:
1) If listed on a "free graphics site" a credit and link to my page must be given by the image.
2) Free for any personal or commercial site to use. Please put a credit
such as "Background set courtesy of Klassique Kottage Kreations"
with a link to my page on the page you use my graphics.
Link address:
http://www.geocities.com/bwinkelb/index.html :)
3) An email to me so I can see your page would be great but is
not a requirement.
4) Save any images to your 'C' drive or a floppy then upload to your web page file manager.
Do NOT link directly to my pages.
Eventually I would like to have a page listing links to sites using my graphics,
so if you would like to be included - send me you url.
That's all! Enjoy! :)
Background Sets
Horses updated: 9/15/00 Horses page 2;
Some of the images used in my sets I found on the web and I believe are free.
Last updated: 03/30/00.
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