~ Virgina K. Brady - In Memoriam 04/09/22 - 10/28/03 ~

~ Kent Greenhalgh - In Memoriam 10/23/64 - 05/09/02 ~ "Wear Sensible Shoes"

Roy Holloway ~ In Memoriam 06/28/08 - 07/03/03 ~ "Suddenly you were gone, from all the lives you left your mark upon" ~ RUSH

Dennis Dawes McKee, Jr. ~ In Memoriam 02/15/1940 - 08/20/2004 ~ "Hi ya Princess...........Mack the Knight"

Oliver Rex ~ In Memoriam ~ December 2003 - March 16, 2005

'Junior' ~ In Memoriam ~ 1987 - December 9, 2005

Angel - In Memoriam - 1997 - March 5, 2007

'Lucky' ~ In Memoriam ~ December 1995 - December 6, 2008


~ ~ Welcome to Kim's Website ~ ~


Maui, Hawaii

This site has no real theme or purpose, its just a few of my favortie things. Its not near completion because there is a lot more I have planned to add. A special thanks to my sister, Kamala and nephews, Kade and Keagan, for making this site possible. Have a look around, enjoy the pictures, and sign my guestbook if you desire. Thanks!

Please visit my newest page, in memory of a very special dog named Teddie. Click here to visit Teddie's Page. All photos courtesy of Stan and Mary Ellen.


I have always loved to travel ~ Click here to visit some of my favorite places!


Ive created a page specifically dedicated to Albuquerque, New Mexico, where I recently visited with friends. Albuquerque


I listen to music of all types, Clicking here will take you to a page dedicated to my favorite country group, Trick Pony!


Favorite Links Click here to read a little bit about some of my favorite websites.


Around Arizona Click here to see some of the sites around Arizona.

Alabama is where my friend, William, lives. Within this link are some pictures he took in and around his area and sent to me. Thanks, William :)


Pets have always been a big part of my life, I cannot imagine not having one or two (or more if I could). Pictures of my pets, as well as pets of friends and family can be found here.


I love looking for that perfect Quote . This link takes you to a page with a few of my favorites.


Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

This site last updated on 03/10/2009