Welcome to Kiki's Korner. I am the boss in the family. I found my humans a few years ago when I was lost, sick and dirty. These humans found me, got me to the vet. It was at that time that I decided to take over their home,keep them and employ them. I have decided to allot some space on my page for those who adore me.

As you can see, I am a perfect Persian..a rarity among all. I own those two humans, my butler and my maid. I rule over all I view. You may think that limits me to Las Vegas, but you are wrong. I have ties to many other places.

The maid is allowed to leave for a few hours to go to the Midwest to pick wild catnip and return with it for me. She also travels around the country bringing interesting scents on her suitcases for my inspection. The butler, however, is not allowed such freedom. He is mine, all mine.

Update for 2000
My Maid
My Butler
Sherry's Page (just another human...yawn)

My Mews for 2001

.........and if you are wondering how to contact me, I do not read my fan mail. My butler and my maid screen all mail and phone calls for me. You can send any email to either or

Now leave me alone. I have things to do!=^..^=

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