KOBNKO Pronounced Cobb N Co
Our imported working lines are available to discerning people who wish to work this breed .
Our puppies are fully registered and we are happy to export to appropriate countries.

Our dogs come from certified working lines with certificates and titles in the field, including canine registration club associated titles and other bodies such as NAVHDA which is a natural ability test(Prufung) which is also done in Germany.

We are the only kennel to have Current Multiple Retrieving Trial titles in Australia and Field Trial certificates in New Zealand.

German Wirehaired pointers are also known Deutsch Drahthaar which is just a translation for German Wirehair.

As our Kennel is dedicated to the breed we have an advantage of breeding versatile dogs  over show kennels and backyard breeders.
Show kennels breed from dogs that have never generally  hunted or tested in current  working trials .
While backyard breeders commonly  breed from 2 of their personal hunting dogs, which are mostly inbred bloodlines in Australia.
There are also large kennel  breeders that claim to have hunting dogs,These kennels have large numbers of dogs and several breeds and are not dedicated to the Drahthaar/GWP.
It is not possible for these large kennels to put the time into training their dogs or hunt them, they are puppy farmers.
We at Kobnko not only  have biggest gene pool some of which is Frozen for the breed in Australia ,We actively train and hunt our dogs.

Top dogs in Germany have short body coats and they do not need extensive grooming.The breed should not be hairy and scruffy, this breeds coat has a short jacket coat and the only long coat should be on the beard and brow  which can  range  in length.They have a very tough skin which protects them from the cold,many other breeds have a thinner skin. The breed enjoys the cold weather best and loves water.
Australian show dogs have clippered coats and brush the hair on front legs up,grooming the breed like a wirehaired Fox Terrier.
This is not correct according to the German Standard,  you can not afford to be grooming dogs like this when hunting.
We  breed to the FCI standard which requires the breed to be equal portions length to height ratio and the maximum length extra allowed in the back is 3cm.

If you wish for more information on this breed please contact me and I am happy to extend my knowledge of the breed.
Kobnko are dedicated to the breed and do not have other breeds,we are not a multi breed Kennel.
Bred by hunters for hunters.
Kobnko has had working Wirehaired Pointers since 1979 and prior we had other hunting  breeds so our record of dog breeding extends back over 35 years.
We can be contacted on
07-4934 4396 or by email kobnko2002@yahoo.com.au
Double click on this text to take you directly to the puppy page.

I have some male  adults available, looking for good working homes only with a one on one basis, Contact me on 07-4934 4396 POA

Kobnko B Coz U Can (Meg) Owned by Gary Creighton. Commenced her Retrieving Trial training in 2008 in fine fashion she gained her NRD and RRD titles in the first season of RT Competition.
Meg also won NSW Gundog Society Autumn shield for the Highest aggregate score over 2 days
for ALL STAKES. Meg is the youngest GWP to date to win her NRD and RRD to date being under 2 years of age.  CONGRATULATIONS GARY AND MEG
Meg Wins Top  Working Dog  ACT for 2008, Pictured Right
Meg is from KY and Pollen. Gary and Meg are now in the UK and we hope to see some field results from there.

Meg and Gary
Congratulations to our Second Working  Dual Champion from the same litter.
Thanks to David Richardson
and Kathy Anderson
New  Zealand
Our  Import Ky who has working certificates from overseas.
Ky arrived in 2006 from the famous Weidenhugel Kennels.
He also has Prufung  Certificate
His progeny are working well in 4 countries and his first RRD and European Group winner and obedience certificate. Also USA titled dogs to his credit.
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