Canine Companions

Welcome To : Canine Companions


Canine Companions

Info Needed to make a layout:

--Breed Horse/Dog

--Which sample layout you would like yours modeled after.

--Kennel/Ranch Name

--Any other info you feel I need.

Contacts :

Casper298 82

Layout Info :

I am Currently making page layouts for a limited time only. Prices and fees have not been set yet we will have to discuss it.

If you would like me to create a layout for you browse threw my sample layout links, read the layout info needed and then message me on my Kennel. I will get back to you as soon as I can.


I will add this at a later date once I get everything set and figured out.

Services :

Personalized Pictures

I will make you personalized pictures for your animals also. I only do a few at a time so you might be put onto a waiting list.


I am just starting to experiement with these so bare with me.

Sample Layouts



Basset Hound

Border Collie

Sled Dogs/Husky

Quarter Horse

Sample Banners

German Shepherd

Jack Russell Terrier


Quarter Horse

Sample Pictures

German Shepherd
