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Welcome to the Mathis Family Page
Jay and I have been married for going on 8 years, this July 23rd. We are a blended family of 5 children.  I have 2 girls and Jay has one girl and two boys.

It has been an interesting journey watching them all grow up and making their own marks on life.  It has been the most rewarding, challenging, hysterical and sometimes very painful journey of our lives, but we wouldn't change one minute of it.

Each child has brought a special talent and personality to this family.  More often than not, they have all helped each other, learned from each other and definately learned what patience is with siblings.

It has not always been easy and some of the chaos would have sent any parent to the looney bin, but with each squabble and out burst, they all learned that life, love, prayer and family is what it takes to stick together as a family.

I honestly believe that they have all walked away with a broader picture of what tolerance is of others and with 9-11, I believe they all feel a greater appreciation of family and how quickly it can be taken away from you.

On the following pages you will get to meet each and everyone of them.  You will meet young teens that have grown up to be beautiful adults and we truly hope that when you leave our family, that you realize that no matter what the challenge, only love, prayer and patience can watch a seed planted with Gods loving guidance, sunshine, water and nurturing can you watch a scrawny, runny nosed child, bloom into the most beautiful adults.. 

"We love you kids with all our hearts and we hope that with each page we have done you justice of almost 2 decades of life on just one page.  You are our lives and we want you to know how very proud of each and everyone you are.  All in different ways.  And we would like to say thank you for allowing us to be a part of your lives."

They are all special and without further ado, we would like to introduce you to Tabitha, Candi, Jimmy, Heidi and Jerry.
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Tabitha's page
Jimmy's Page
Heidi's Page
Candi's Page
Jerry's Page
Born: March 26, 1963
Lover of cats, kids, collecting beer steins, outdoors camping and fishing.
Born: March 30, 1963
Lover of dogs, children, reading, rummage sales and camping and fishing.