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Hi there , THANKS for stoppin in!! My name is Tanner . . . .I am a Bichon Frise. Below is a picture with me, my brother, and sister, before I was adopted. We are  8 1/2 weeks old here!! I  adopted into a new home Sept 29, 1999 into a new family. I sure do miss my original family, but I am happy in my new home, I hear them talking about all the new fun stuff we will get to do. .  so far so good!!
It is strange being in a new home with new people. My first night I did not sleep too well, I was up most of the night and so were my new owners. I did make them proud though by using my matt or waiting until we all went outside to tinkle. I think they are impressed!!  I have been a good puppy minding every since I moved in . . .heck, I even listen  to some of their commands. .  the easy ones like SIT and STAY. They tell me "GOOD BOY!!" all the time, and  everytime I do something REALLY good or impressive;  I get a puppy treat. . . Mmmm Mmmm Good!! 
  My second day I got to go to a Pet Store and pick out some toys and treats. .  I pranced around the store showing off the best I could. Everyone fell in love with me, I just know it. . . .  Like that is hard to do with a facelike mine!! <grin>
  I will keep adding new information as the days pass so my original family can see me grow too. Who knows. . . even one day we can visit. Thanks for stopping in a seeing all my new things!!