My Childhood Pics! Well here u can look for some of my pics when i was a Kiddo ....these mini me pics are really cute.
Take time to sign my will make my day!
My Resume!<
Hear My Voice
VIRTUAL TOUR Take a virtual tour of my house. This site is being developed and updated by Sushil Dhar.
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I generally look like this before the first cup of coffee in the morning................!!!!!!
About Me!(updated january 2001) This section contains everything u wanna know about me. Meet My FriendsHow dull life would be without Friends. I am so happy to have so many friends. 2.My College friends. 3.My Noida friends. 4.My net friends. My Brother!My brother has been a great influence on my life so i have one seperate section for him!Prism Cyber SoftI spent a lot of time in my seventh semester in the Prism cyber soft a well known Bombay based software company .I along with my project partners Rajeeb and Aditya are developing a software for the automation of the service and maintainence departmen of this It firm! This project is being done in Visual Basics and Oracle. Copyright © 2001, Sushil Dhar. All rights reserved (such as they are.) |
Family Pictures!The Section contains some of my family pictures. I have uploaded some rescent pics and some old pics. Most of the pics are taken in delhi and jammu , some of them are also taken in kashmir . My love For Wild Life!