Webring Rules

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Member's Edit


Welcome To The Bichon Lovers NetRing

     Already know about the Bichon Lovers NetRing and wish to join us?  Great!  Please start by going to this page.  Once you have submitted your site to the ring queue, you will receive a message containing the properly configured HTML code to be placed on your website.  You will also need to copy both of the Bichon graphics below and upload them to YOUR SERVER.  As soon as you have both the graphics and coding in place, please send an e-Mail to the Ringmistress and I will visit your site just as soon as possible!  As long as your ring coding is correct, and your site meets the rules, you will be added!  Normally, this should NOT take me longer than a day or two...

These are the 2 graphics which need to be uploaded to YOUR SERVER:

bl-ring1.gif         and         bl-ring2.gif

When installed properly, the webring should look like this:

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This RingSurf Bichon Lovers Net Ring
owned by Bichon Lovers Ring Homepage.

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Last Blitzed Upon on September 25, 2000

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