Welcome to Vikingsong Persians
  Home of the distingushed pointed and cpc persians

Who & Where we are:

  Hi my name is Lisa Wildfong. I am the caretaker and all around slave to my trade. Breeding and showing my cats and kittens is truly a labor of love for me. I am a relative newcomer to the fancy as I have only been in it for 5 yrs now. I was very lucky to get into it when I did. The class of Persians we have today is a lot better than some other breeders had 20 or more yrs ago. Thanks to their hard work and efforts I was able to buy the best show stock that I could. I am very proud to say that I have such illustrious bloodlines as Fullmoon,Purrpals,Macintosh,Highlandkatz,and Lilypurr,and now Hirscheez' behind my beautiful babies.  We are located in Hamilton,Michigan. We have a very large acreage and the cats have plenty of fresh air and sunshine. Our babies are handled from birth by me. That means that they are the friendliest kittens you will ever have the chance to own. We are also experienced in shipping too. Our cattery is registered with CFA and ACFA. We also show in  ACFA.  We do not ship outside of the USA.  Be sure to check out the rest of my pages.

Our Goals & Dreams:

This year we are concentrating our efforts on improving the quality of chocs and lilacs. Sadly there are not enough breeders who are willing to give their all for these  beautiful colors. I feel that I can help bring type and color together to bring into the show ring. So be sure and look for us and our babies at the shows next year. We will still have the other colors but we will be concentrating on improving the type on our carries. So from now on all of our future babies will carry the choc and lilac gene.. Our dream is to produce choc and lilac cpc's,pointed,and smokes that can compete in the show ring with the rest of the persian classes.

A Special Thanks:

I wish to give thanks to the following people. Without their help,support and guidance I never would have made it this far.

Denise Cortelli of Snopeke Cattery: Thank you so much for Dreamer. Without her I wouldn't get such wonderful type on my babies. I also want to say thanks for giving me advice when I really needed it..

Diane Griffith of Dees Jubilee Cattery: Thanks for Pretty Boy. Even though he was only on earth for a very short time he made our whole house a lot happier for his presence. And he managed to pass along his traits onto each of his babies.

Kathy Nutt of Angel Purrs Cattery: Thanks for Kiko.  He is the start of my chocs and lilacs. Without him my program wouldn't progress very far..

Ada Hirsch of Hirscheez' Cattery: Thank you so much for Sherry. I think she will be a great start in my chocolate program...

Sheila Gulbrandson of Praire Acres Cattery: How many times have we talked for hours about cats and just about anything else under the sun? I hope to someday combine our bloodlines together. Thank you for being you.




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