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jerryc Jerry the cat was named after founding member of Alice In Chains and guitar genius Jerry Cantrell. Click on Jerrys picture to be transported to one of his Internet sites to find out more about his life, recordings and other things. jerrysmum

Jerry was born to mother Pearl (pictured above right) in 1994, and has a brother and three sisters who cannot be traced. Father unknown, probably some slack ass male kitty who hadn't had the proper treatment.

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From somewhat of a troubled childhood, Jerry the cat now stands alone in cat world and is certainly at the pinnacle of his great career. Frequent cries of "meow meow" have haunted the Hohnen hallways and indeed any suburb that the mighty puss has ventured into. Be sure to test your patience on Jerry's penetrating charm, however be warned that no competitors thus far have come through the battle unscathed.
The reason Jerry is so fat is because he can scalp food from anyone. If possible, he would gladly consume five or six normal meals. There is only one reason for this, he was raised by countless admirers who could not help but constantly feed his seemingly helpless ass. Those who know him well, and there are only a handpicked few that know his true motives can easily tell the fact from fiction. sleepy
lookingup Affectionately known as 'fat boy', Jerry used to follow me down the street at night, almost 3 kilometres. If I would run, he would run. If I would hide, he would look for me. Once I sent him home from a friends place only for him to come jumping through his window which was at the back of the house about 10 minutes later.
You can see that at an early age Jerry was quite an active pussy. He used to love to chase that elusive 43 gauge E string that never seemed to fall within his grasp, yet Jerry persisted. As the years got on Jerry found little interest in such pointless activities, and he now prefers to sleep, waking only occasionally to eat. estring
slackass I have never been so terrified than the day I decided to buy, yes you guessed it, a slice of ham. Jerry nearly took my arm off, succeeding only in wounding my index finger forcing an early retirement to my illustrious rubber band flicking career.

Jerry update. Well it's been a while since Jerry has been staying with the infamous Ms Figueriedo, and as he reaches his 7th year the nature of Jerrys existence now reflects his patriotic lifestyle. Here you can see Jerry still knows how to play the crowd, this is called intro to flop, 7 out of 10 for this one J.

slackass Just when you thought Jerry C couldn't get any fatter think again. I have to admit I'm quite worried about the future in the hands of the infamous Ms Figueriedo, as he just continues to grow. Impossible I hear you say, and yes I thought the same myself. What will become of the fat boy God only knows.

Here's Jerry in the hands of his humble owner, it's kind of refreshing to know sometimes that he remembers. He's a cool cat, but he doesn't particularly like to be touched, and pats are always welcomed buy only for a limited period. Who knows what goes on inside the mind of Jerry the cat.

slackass This is the famous Jerry pose, lying on his back. He's been trained for such a position from an early age but I would not try it yourself unless you are prepared...Also get ready for hair up the nose, ears, car seat, lounge and on your clothes. 'Tis a small price to pay, however, to receive some of Jerrys charm.

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