Jennifer and Doug's Boxer Babies Page
About Us:

Doug and I became huge boxer lovers when we got our first boxer, Hendrix, 2 1/2 years ago.
Never would I have imagined we would end up with three. At the time, Doug and I had been living
together for about three years in Toledo, Ohio along with my two kids, Mike and Chelsea. They kept bugging me
about getting a dog, preferably a boxer, and the ironic part of it was that I was not much of a dog
lover. I just had this attitude that it would be like having a toddler around and I wasn't ready for it.
Well, eventually I gave in, on accident. A friend of mine was dating a guy whose boxer had a litter of
pups. I secretly decided to go check out the pups without Doug and the kids knowing. I had no
intentions on getting one, but was curious to see them. When I got there, they only had one pup left.
He was the most adorable puppy I had ever seen. I had to have him! I instantly fell in love with this
little guy. When I came home, Doug greeted me at the door. When he saw this boxer pup, he had
tears running down his face. You would've thought I had just given birth. The kids were just as
surprised and happy.
So, needless to say, we just couldn't get enough and ended up with three beautiful boxers!
We want to dedicate this page to our wonderful boxer babies who have given us so much joy and
laughter in our lives. They are the BEST!
Click on
each of the pictures below to see larger images of our babies!
Hendrix as a puppy. Here he is at about 12 weeks.
Here is daddy's first baby, Hendrix! It was love at first sight! 
Our love for Hendrix was so strong that we had to get him a buddy. We
couldn't just have one boxer baby. When Hendrix turned 6 months old, we got a new boxer pup. 7 week old, brindle female, Sahara. Sahara is our cuddle bunny, she has to be with someone all the time. She is the biggest of our boxers, a 74 lb. lap dog. Here she is at about 8-9 weeks, doing what she loves
to do best!
Here is a more recent picture of Sahara. She is now almost 2
years old. Everyone loves Sahara, whenever company or family comes over, they always want to take Sahara home with them. For the longest time, my sister kept begging to have Sahara. This past Christmas, I was really in the Christmas spirit and offered Sahara to my sister for a gift, on one
condition - JOINT CUSTODY! My sister was so happy, that was the best gift ever and I still have Sahara when we go on our weekly walks with the dogs and when my sister goes out of town or works late. I still consider her my baby.
Here is Mirage at 3 months old. Mirage just graduated puppy kindergarten
and went on to graduate basic obedience just after this photo. She is a very smart and well mannered little girl. We are very proud of her.
Here is our third boxer, Mirage. We got her from a very reputable breeder in
Tiffin, Ohio - "Winland boxers at Hopewell Kennels." We became so attached to the breed that we wanted to get into the "show and obedience biz" and that's when we found "Winland's Sahara's Mirage" (guess who I named her after). She is our little beauty queen and she is great little girl, who LOVES to
please! Mirage looks just like her daddy, "Ch.Winland's Money Pit" (Cash). Winland boxers -- choice, you can see Cash at Winland's web site, they have many gorgeous looking boxers there. Here is a picture of my daughter, Chelsea with Mirage at 8
weeks old.
Here is a picture of me and my boxer babies at the park. Our
dogs are very spoiled. We go on lots of walks during the summer, then we go
get ice cream. 

"Winland's Sahara's Mirage" owned by Jennifer Sarnes
Here is Mirage taking 1st in her class at her most recent show. This
was in Cleveland Ohio (Western Reserve Kennel Club). This was taken Dec. 13th, 1998. Mirage's next show is in March of 1999. Ann Keil is her handler and does a wonderful job with Mirage!
Here is Mirage at the park
Here is Hendrix and Sahara after a long run through the park. Boxers have the
hugest tongues! 
I've been on the BxF mailing list (Boxer Friends mailing list) for several months now
and have made many new friends who share a lot of the same interests with me. There is person who especially shares A LOT of the same interests as I. Her name is Danette Peirce. We got to talking by admiring each others dogs on the BxF boxer photo gallery and she became my best internet boxer buddy.
Ironically, we both had just gotten show quality female pups, exactly one month to the day apart in age. This was both our first time getting a show pup and we are both new to the "Show Biz." It seems that whenever Mirage is in a show, Danette's show pup, Baylea is, too (not in the same show) but the same
weekends. Strange as it may be, Mirage and Baylea's first time in the ring, different places, received the same awards, on the same days. Fri-3rd, Sat-1st, Sun-2nd in their class (6-9 mo.puppy bitches). So, needless to say, we have been giving each other advice and have become best buds. Unfortunately,
we have never officially met in person. She lives in Texas and I live in Ohio. Who knows? Maybe someday! Here is a picture of Danette with "Donnybrooks Splash' O Baylea" in Dec 1998.
Here is another picture of Baylea with her stepsister, Sabrina "Brie." Brie is Danettes first
boxer. If it weren't for Brie's picture being above my Sahara in the boxer photo gallery, Danette and I may have never met.
Here is Mirage's mom, "Westphalia's Fantestigue" (Tess). Dec.1998. 
Mirage and her mom, Tess, in the x-pen just before Mirage went into the show ring at the Columbus shows.
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Web Page design by Marian Krueger