<BGSOUND SRC="/goatacres.geo/roll_with_it.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Want to get in touch with me?
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This website was created June 2000 and was last updated on
June 23, 2007
Wood Oaks Farm
Reg. French Alpine Dairy Goats
Union Mills, Indiana
Welcome.  My site will be featuring goats and information about them.  I had raised Reg. French Alpines since 1982 but have sold off the herd due to personal reasons. The site will be maintained for those wishing to learn about goats. Please feel free to contact me and  visit often to see what new things we have to offer. 
Our Goats
The Quack Pack
Goat Information
Goat Links
Dairy breeds, Harness goats
Photos & Information about Pekin, Cayuga and Buff Ducks
Goat Milk Recipes
Some of the other animals that we have.
Cheese, Desserts, Main Dishes
Photos of goats we raised
Our Chickens
Homemade Harness/Cart Instructions
Our Geese