<BGSOUND SRC="/baldwinschnauzers/brneyed.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>


This All Schnauzer site owned by Kathye Baldwin.
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Like sands in the hourglass, these are the footprints of my life.
Run Puppy Run!!!
Home sweet home
A little about us.

My name is Kathye and my husband is Lance. We have been breeding Miniature Schnauzers for about six years now. My husbands family bred Miniature Schnauzers for many years.

Although we ourselves are new to the hobby. We have done a lot of research and put thousands of hours into our pets. Our dogs are part of our family, actually, they are
members of the family. We breed our dogs once a year after a complete check-up with our veterinarian.

We breed to give other families the joy and happiness that our dogs have given us.

We pride ourselves in the upbringing of wonderful, beautiful family dogs. All of our puppies get a complete physical exam from our veterinarian. Including vision and hearing checks, 6  week puppy shots, tails docked, dew claws removed and prevenative heart worm medicine. 

Like sands in the hourglass, these are the footprints of my life.
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To view a member of our family. Please click on a link below.
Samantha's page
Like sands in the hourglass, these are the footprints of my life.
Thor's page
Dinner Time Alex's page
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Like sands in the hourglass, these are the footprints of my life.
Thor and Alex
Let's do what we can to stop the spread of unwanted pets.
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Like sands in the hourglass, these are the footprints of my life.
Sam & Thor's 1st litter
Samantha and Thor's first litter
Like sands in the hourglass, these are the footprints of my life.
Sam & Thor's 2nd litter
Samantha and Thor's second litter
Alex & Thor's  1st litter
Alex and Thor's first litter
Sam & Thor's 3rd litter
Samantha and Thor's third litter
Alex & Thor's 2nd litter
Alex and Thor's second litter
Here kitty kitty kitty...................
Thor and Alex had their puppies 9/23/03
Alex, Samantha & Thor
Look! They are staring at me!
Alex, Samantha & Thor
Last updated October 12, 2003