
Can. Ch. Cedarhope Shades of Purple
"Mr. Dobs"

"There's no love like your love;
and no other could give more love.
There's nowhere, unless you're there;
all the time, all the way."

written & performed by Bryan Adams


photos by Randy Heaton

Click on photo for larger image.

Mr. Dobs, or *Dobsy* as I am want to call him, is my first love. I have always admired the beauty and style of Am/Can Ch Banchory Deep Purple Rom (*Jake*) so you can imagine my elation at the possibility of having one of his son's for my very own. I will forever be indebted to Carol Gouger of Cedarhope Shelties for trusting me with this fabulous creature. Dobs is so much more than my foundation dog ... he is my love. When he looks over his shoulder at me with that sweet expression of his, I just melt. He is very much a "Momma's boy" and I couldn't be more pleased.

At the ripe old age of 4 Dobs is just coming into his own and displaying all the promise I saw when I acquired him. He has just returned from his whirlwind visit to Canada where he finished in three shows, including a BOW win for 5 points. Dobs accomplished this fete while totally out of coat! The judges up there must really like good structure! Be looking for Dobs in AKC rings after he gets a new suit of clothes.

Dobs is a non-white/non-bi factored blue merle.
He is a proven natural stud and stamps his offspring with
outstanding heads, great angulation and movement, beautiful toplines ,
and sweet temperments. He is available for stud to approved bitches.
All tests required.
OFA-Good    Thyroid-Normal    CERF-Normal

Meet some of Dobs' ancestors!
                or his Daughter Windy
Sample Stud Contract