Weezy's Birdnest

It's important to know all you can before you invest in any type of pet, whether it's a cat, a dog, bird, fish, you name it! Too many pets end up in a shelter or humane society because the owner wasn't told the truth or didn't know enough about the pet he or she bought. Many pets need special kinds of care. My goal is to help people learn about animals whether it's because you are considering it as a pet, or just because you want to learn something new.

Animals are fun and facinating creatures, and as this site grows, I hope that you feel the same way I do.

On the Exotic Birds page you can see pictures of Parrots, Cockatoos, and other exotic birds. See them from the time they hatch until they are fully feathered. My family has been raising birds for several years.

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Choose one of these links to go to my other pages, you'll find pictures on them of birds and cats. Come back soon and there will be lots more pictures to see.

light_bullet Exotic Birds

light_bullet Ragdoll Cats

The following link is to a company with over 20 different types of product lines. Each type is like a store. It's called an Unfranchise because they cut out the middleman. I own an Unfranchise in it, because the products are fantastic, and the prices are very reasonable, especially considering that everything is top of the line. Try it out and see if there is anything there that interests you. If you would like more information either on becoming a customer or buying (it's very reasonable, and can even be free if you want to be a preferred customer and get wholesale prices), you can even become a member and own an Unfranchise of your own making money off your sales and off of your team members sales (if you have people sign up from you), please send me an e-mail for information if you have questions. This is a great opportunity to start your own business and be your own boss!

Recently, we've been adding all kinds of affiliate businesses, go to the site and check out the exciting products you can find! There is plenty of variety, and savings you won't believe.

Market America, Inc. The Mall Without Walls

If you've ever wanted your own website, but need help designing it, need a logo or even just advice, try B & L Computing. We've got excellent prices and we'll be happy to help you out in any way we can.

Recently, we've been adding all kinds of affiliate businesses, go to the site and check out the exciting products you can find! There is plenty of variety, and savings you won't believe.

We offer computer training and advice, training on all kinds of software, web design, graphic design (like custom logos) and a whole lot more. Just check out the site and it will explain it all!

B & L Computing, LLC

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I'd love to answer any questions you might have, or hear any suggestions you'd like to make. If there is an animal or bird you would like to know something about, feel free to ask and I will try to get an answer for you.

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