Welcome to the Rock Bottom Beagles Web Site

Located in Northwest Indiana
We are proud of the fact that our hounds have won over
24 State and Big 4 Titles.
Our hounds are ARHA & NABR registered, and run in Little Pack and Aggressive Pack Trials.
We like our hounds to run with good speed along with good line control.
We have won trials from New York to Oklahoma and West Virginia to Michigan.
Trials are fun but our dogs are hunting dogs first, and they put in many hours under the gun. We have not been running at any trials for over a year, but we plan to return soon.
Any one of our hounds can be hunted solo, and run for hours, with minimal breakdowns.
We only keep a few dogs at any given time, so they can be run solo or in small packs.

Here is where you can find such hounds as
Grand. Rabbit Champion Pucka's Lady
Grand. Bench Champion & Rabbit Champion Rock Bottom Lace
Rabbit Champion Rock Bottom Ben
Rabbit Champion Rock Bottom Rose
Rabbit Champion Rock Bottom Wyatt
Bench Champion Rock Bottom Brick----house
Rabbit Champion High Trump Jumpin Joe
and many other fine up and coming hounds.
All of these dogs have been sold to local gun hunters, so
hounds like these are for sale. You just need to know where to look!!

I will, at times, have running and started
hounds for sale. These will be top notch dogs not junk!!
This is Bryan Pucka, owner of Rock Bottom Kennels.
If there is any way I can help you I will!
Click the E-mail sign to contact me.


FOR SALE:---We have a few nice young started hounds for sale. These will make great dogs for next season.

Rabbit Hunting Online


We will be offering a new hound at stud soon.
Branko's Awesome Again
Awesome is a 13" male with plenty of speed, hunt, nose, and desire to make it in any trial. He will be seeing action in ARHA, UKC, and NABR trials this spring. Awesome is out of Int Ft CH Branko's Heli-Prop and Branko's Baba Bonnie Betsy ( littermate sister to CKC, AKC, UKC FT CH Branko's Pied Piper )He will produce both 13" and 15" dogs.

Here is a good picture of the trailer we use to haul our hounds all over the country. Well maybe not all over, but a good part of it. This is an old pop-up camper frame that we narrowed down and built the box and kennel on it. The dogs love it because it rides VERY smooth. We ride 8 hounds in there with great comfort.

Beagle Related Links

Briar Busten Beagles
Branko's Beagles
In Motion Beagles
Drive-On Beagles
SPO Magazine
Deluxe Dog Box
Gun Dog Supply
Lambriar Animal Health Care
A C Dog Trailers
H & R Trophies and Awards

in Exland Wisconsin at
Badger Creek Covert
Run by Mr. Robert Gadwill

Here are a few more shots of us having fun.