Hello, I'm Phil, a graduate of Keene State College with a degree in Music Education. I'm currently living in North Carolina and am loving it! I've always wanted to live in the South and there's no finer place than where I am now. Sorry ladies, but I've found THE ONE. She's a wonderful graphics designer at a local land development firm and is the most perfect (for me) woman I've ever met. It's like I've always thought, Southern women are unbeatable. I'm very active in my church, where I do just about everything related to music and also volunteer as a youth counselor. Aside from music I like to swim, snorkel, do calligraphy, play computer and roleplaying games, read (Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Military Fiction), hike, and paint. Above and beyond all other hobbies, I love keeping and breeding tropical fish and plants. In fact, my dream is to own my own aquatic nursery and aquarium maintenance company. Think of something akin to a terrestrial landscaping firm, only underwater and with fish too. Please check out my aquarium sites. This one is dedicated to Oscars, and this is my biotope aquarium site. I've recently moved into my own apartment so I'm still working on setting up my aquariums. Right now I'm running a three gallon Eclipse system, which houses three Serpae tetras, all named after characters in the Rocky films, and some low light plants. This is my girlfriend's tank. On my kitchen counter I've got a five and a half gallon tank with a lot of wood and two Spike Tailed Paradise Fish, Spike and Sparky. My current pride and joy is the 20g aquarium I'm setting up which is detailed on the biotope site. I'm going to have to wait a little while to get the 90g up and running, but I'll make sure to have pictures up when I do. Everyone out there who sees this has to read this Poem Before moving to New Hampshire and North Carolina I lived in Seattle, Washington. In my opinion Seattle's the best and most beautiful city in the Union. The land is still so open and has an untamed quality that invigorates the spirit. There are few things in this world as beautiful as seeing the Sun set over the Olympic Mountains and turn Puget Sound into liquid gold. |