Welcome to Our Web Site!


...Tell All...Almost!!!

Hi...I'm Eddiebear and along with Kellybear
we welcome you to
our web site!!!

Hi...This is Eddiebear and Kellybear welcoming you to our new home page. We have a dog and two cats who think they are human. They each have distinctive personalities and are a lot of fun. To hear what they have to say about living in the Bear household click on the links below. To all our friends and family we say we love you and miss you! If you're just surfing by...stop in and see what the animals have to say. We'll try to keep this page as fresh as we can...so... stop by often. Later taters!!!!!!

Links to what we all have to say!

Paddy Says...
Bubba Says...
Fuzzy Says...
Eddiebear Says...
Kellybear Says...
The Picture Pages
Current Events

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