Here's my family.  Please meet my hubby, Joe, Otter and Brandy, and, of course, me, Wendy. 

In 1987, we moved to Mesa, Arizona from New Jersery.  This is where our tribe began.
And here's our new addition to our tribe.  This is "Momma Cat".  She was a stray at work that had 3 kittens.  The kittens found homes but Momma Cat was left behind.  I felt so bad for her that I talked Joe into bringing her home.  (By the way, Momma Cat is only about 7 months old and is now living her kitten life again.)
Peach, aka Fat Cat.  We just call her that, she's really not fat.  In fact, she is very petite.

On November 21, 2002, Peach passed away.  She will be missed!!
Brandy came to us when she was about 8-10 weeks old.  Joe and I discussed getting a dog one weekend.  That Monday morning he surprised me with Brandy.  He went over the humane society.  So we saved a wonderful life.  Brandy is a heinz 57 variety.  I have taken her to obedience classes since she was 4 months old.  Brandy also has done some therapy work with me in the health care centers.

Otter came to us when he was 7 months old.  Joe wanted a hunting dog so bad.  When Joe brought Otter home, I said to him you must do two things with this dog, change his name (the breeder called him Brutis) and give him a bath.  As Joe was giving him a bath, he said to him:  "You look like a wet otter so I think i'll call you Otter."  Otter is an english setter (Llewlyn).  Joe and Otter spend alot of their time out in the desert hunting quail.
Brandy, aka Brandy Girl.  She is our "queen" and is always ready and willing to pose for me.
Otter, aka Otter Boy, doing what he does best in the house...."sleep"...
Meet Jager.  This is Otter's hunting buddy.  Jager lives in Tucson with his family.  Otter and Jager attend bird dog camp in the summers.
This is Otter's first love.  Hunting for birdies.  He also loves to point at the bugs.
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