Photo taken on Aug 99 " Imagine a live coral reef in your living room! It sounds fantastic, but it can actually be done: and as more people experiment with it so much more will be learned about it that someday it may be a commonplace thing (e.g. S'pore)" Robert P. L. Straughan, 1969 (The Salt-Water Aquarium in the Home) This page is dedicated to the sharing & exchanging of knowledge so that our hobby and the animals we keep can grow. As my set up is really simple and proven to work for me, I will try to provide as much information to you possible and do feel free to email me. Help topics also available under "ONLINE REFERENCE" here. ** EVERYTHING SHOULD BE AS SIMPLE AS POSSIBLE, BUT NOT SIMPLER. - ALBERT EINSTEIN ** 4' L x 2' W x 2' H on half inch glass with no sump tank 4 sets of 3 feet fluorescent tubes consisting of a Coralife 10,000K daylight (14/12/99), 2 x Hamilton actinic blue & one Arcadia 9,500K marine white (14/12/99) & 1 x 4 feet Coralife 10,000K daylight fluorescent tube (05/01/00) A counter-current skimmer (1 feet reactor column)(12/96) A Tunze powerhead (2,400l/hr) on powertimer provided the wave An Aquanic 1500 powerhead provided the undercurrent Plenum is about 2 inches with another 4 inches of live sand on top Temperature is 25 deg C average Occasional usage of activated carbon in one external Eheim 2226 filter Supplements Used: Kent Series - Iodine, Kalkwasser Mix, Turbo Calcium, Super Chelated Iron with Manganese, Superbuffer dKH Seachem Series - Reef Builder(Buffer), Reef Plus (Trace) & Strontium Coralife Series - Liquid Gold Pro Plus (Trace) HARD CORALS: 1)Acropora (A.gemmifera) 2)Torch Coral (Euphyllia glabrescens) 8/99 3)Open Brain Coral (Trachyphyllia geoffroyi) 4)Red Button Coral (Cynarina lacrymalis) 5)Trumpet Coral (Caulastrea Dana) 6)Brain Coral (Montastrea Valenciennesi) 7)Plate Coral (Turbinaria peltata) 8)Trumpet Coral x 2 (Caulastrea curvata) 11/98 9)Flowerpot Coral (Goniopora sp) 10)Fox Coral (Nemenzophyllia turbida Hodgson & Ross)2/99 11)Flowerpot Coral (Red) 12)Purple Coral (?) 3/99 13) Bubble Coral (P.sinuosa) 8/99 14)Red Moon Coral Blastomussa spp.12/98 15)Sun Coral (Tubastrea micrantha) 2/99 16)Montipora digitata 8/99 17)Acropora indiana 6/99 SOFT CORALS: 1)Strip Button Polyps (Protopalythoa vestitus) 2)Star Polyps (Erythropodium sp.) 3)Star Polyps [Pachyclavularia (Briareum) violacea] 4)Mushrooms (Copper) (Rhodactis sp) 5)Mushrooms (Red) Discosoma sp.) 6)Clove Polyps (Clavularia sp.) 7)Yellow Polyps 8)Zoanthus sociatus x 3 9)Parazoanthus spp. 11/98 10)Sea Rod Red ( P. flexuosa) 1/99 11)Devil's hand (Nephthyigorgia spp.) 3/99 12)Sea Rod (Pseudoplexaura sp.) 13)Button coral (Cynarina lacrymalis) 14)Stick polyps (Acrozoanthus sp[KA4-ZOA-08]) 15)Strawberry coral (Dendronephthya spp.)8/99 16)Xenia spp. (KA4-ALC-08) 8/99 17) Colt coral (Alcyonium sp.) FISHES: 1)African Pygmy (Centropyge acanthops) 2)Bangaii Cardinal (Pterapogon kauderni p.) 3)Hector's goby (Amblygobius hectori) 1/99 4)Filament-finned prawn goby (S. nematodes) 5)Royal Gramma (Gramma loreto) 3/99 6)Fire dartfish (Nemateleotris magnifica) 7)Yellow goby (Gobiodon okinawae) 2/99 8)Rainford's goby (Amblygobius rainfordi) 1/99 9)Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens) 10)Watanabe angelfish(Genicanthus lamarcki)10/99 11)Scarlet Hawkfish 10/98 (Neocirrhites armatus) 12)Lined dartfish (Ptereleotris grammica) 9/99 13)Blackfin coral goby (Paragobiodon Iacunicolus) INVERTEBRATES: 1)Red & White prawn x 2 (Alpheus Randall) ? 2)Brittle Star (Ophiomastix venosa) 3)Blue Starfish (Linckia laevigata) 4)Turbo Snails x 5 5)Red Starfish x 2 ? 12/98 6)T. maxima & H. porcellanus 7) Tubeworm x 5 (Sabellastarte magnifica) 8) Anemone Shrimp (Periclimenes brevicarpalis) 2/99 9)Giant Clam (Tridacna squamosa) 3/99 10) Pistol Shrimp (Synalpheus sp.) 4/99 11) Pistol Shrimp ? 4/99
(OFTEN, I AM ASKED "WHERE ELSE CAN GET FISHES & CORALS?", SO HERE IT IS...HAPPY SHOPPING!) 1. AQUAMART TEL: 7412022 <SIMS DRIVE> (SELL EQUIPMENT & SETUP) 2. AQUATECHNIC (S) P/L TEL: 3480048 <TANJONG RHU> (SELL EQUIPMENT, SETUP & MAINTENANCE) 3. AQUATIC MARINE SYSTEM TEL: 7588675 <YISHUN> (SELL EQUIPMENT & SETUP) 4. LIVING WATERS PTE LTD TEL: 4872377<UPP PAYA LEBAR RD> (SYSTEM SETUP & LIVE STOCKS) 5.OCEANWIDE MARINE AQUARIUM TEL: 2819612 <TAMPINES FISH FARM RD 2> (LIVE STOCKS) 6. PACIFIC MARINE AQUARIA TEL: 3863225 <PUNGGOL MARINA> (LIVE STOCKS) 7. PETMART TEL: 2896471 <SERANGOON NTH> (ACCESSORIES , REASONABLE PRICE) 8. REBORN AQUARIUM TEL: 2879335 <TAMPINES FISH FARM RD 1> (LIVE STOCKS) 9. SEA LIFE AQUARIUM TEL: 7774047 <HONG LEONG GDN & BALESTIA RD>(EQUIPMENTS & LIVE STOCKS) 10. SUPER STAR AQUARIUM TEL: 5844288 <ELIAS MALL> 11.SUPREME AQUARIUM P/L TEL: 4823083 <SELETAR WEST FARMWAY 1> (LIVE STOCKS) 12.THE REEF WORLD TEL: 5843819 <LOYANG AGROTECHNOLOGY PK> (LIVE STOCKS) 13.WONG LOY KEE TEL:2229763 <CHINATOWN> (EQUIPMENTS & LIVE STOCKS) (This is the place if U have questions like "What is" & "How to") 1) The Marine Fish And Invert Reef Aquarium - by Albert J. Thiel 2) The Small Reef Aquarium Basics - by Albert J. Thiel 3) The Tao of Marine Aquaria - by Adam H. Whitlock 4) Growing Coralline Algae: a cookbook approach - by LeRoy Headlee 5) Tell me more about THE PLENUM !! - by Joseph S. Jones 1) The Reef Aquarium Vol 1 & 2 - by J.Charles Delbeek & Julian Sprung 2) The Modern Coral Reef Aquarium Vol 1 & 2 - by Svein A Fossa & Alf Jacob Nilsen 3) Q & A Book of The Marine Aquarium - by Nick Dakin (This book is available at Library@Orchard) 4) Reef fishes of the World - by Ewald Lieske & Robert Myers LINKS J. Charles Delbeek's HomePage (Co-author of the book "The Reef Aquarium" Vol 1 & 2) Nick Dakin's HomePage (Author of "The book of the Marine Aquarium" & many others)
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