Welcome to the Pierson family-Steve, Janelle, Shelby, Tyler & Joshua.  Shelby is 7 years old and now in
 second grade.  Tyler is 5 and in kindergarten.  Joshua is just a wee baby...I am a stay at home mother, and
  we are a homeschooling family, due to our disappointment in the public school system, lack of moral and
 christian values & the deterioration it puts on the family.  Thanks to my sister, we started homeschooling.  I never could have done it without her.  She showed me how to get started, and showed me that with God, I
   COULD do it!!  Thank you Tammie!! And thank you to the rest of our family who supports us in our
  decision to homeschool.  It means soooooo much to have our family support us.  It has brought us much
       closer as a family and things have never been better since we started.  If you are interested in
                homeschooling, please go see our homeschooling page for some ideas.
     We have tried to instill in our children the importance of always putting God first in their lives.  They
 love God with all their heart, and the purity of a child's heart is so open, so eager to learn.  thanks to God,
   our family is what it is.  This last year has been a big learning year for me (Janelle).  We used to raise
   Persians as a hobby.  We stopped doing that, as it was taking away from our family and causing other
 problems in other areas of our life.  Now, we have committed our time to our family as ALWAYS being #1!!
 I miss the Persians, and I loved them dearly.  But I don't miss the seperation of our family.  Now, I am truly happy staying home with my family, and homeschooling our children.  I never really was able to be happy until this year, just being a Mom.  God changed my heart so much this year, and made me happy just being a Mom.  Thank you God.  I know that alot of women struggle with this, it is hard when society makes you feel worthless if you are just a "Mom".  But you know what?  That is exactly what God wants us to be, is just Mom.  Proverbs 31 demonstrates that.  I don't see how women can juggle work, home and being a Mom.   I admire women who can do it, and still maintain the happy home life.  I however, could not.  So, if you are just a Mom and feel inadequate, ask God to give you peace and fulfillness in your life.  And, if you are a Mom and work outside of the home also--know that I do admire you for being able to juggle life and still keep your sanity . 
 God bless you all!


Shelby Pierson                                     Tyler Pierson                                 Joshua Pierson

Click on Joshua's picture to see his past and present pics!!

Joshua was 3 months in the above picture, Tyler was 5 1/2 , and Shelby was 7 1/2!

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Homeschool Curriculum Sites

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