USDA's Missing Pet Network for Illinois.  For other states, please click on the MPN logo.

MPN is a free service to help unite lost pets with their owners.

My deepest sympathy goes out to all who were effected by the tragic events of September, 11, 2001.


Please follow the links below to view the lost and found animals, as well as links to
shelters in your area, disaster planning, safety concerns and hints for finding a lost pet.

Please be sure to contact Debbie at when a animal or it's owners have been found.


Lost Dogs - 2001/2002                    Lost Dogs - Archive


Found Dogs


Lost Cats - 2001/2002                Lost Cats - Archive


Found Cats


Other Pets                        Horses



        Report a missing or found pet

        Hints for finding your pet

        Worldwide shelter listing

        Disaster preparation

        Keeping your pet safe (coming very soon!)