<BGSOUND SRC="/snortbru/flint.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Welcome to my Boston World.  I have tried to put together pages of my Boston Terriers, Snorts, Bruzer, Pebbles and also of family and Boston Friends.  As a teenager, my grandparents had Boston Terriers. It took me 35 years to get one of my own; gosh, did not remember them being so much joy and so loveable and loyal.  I have put a picture of my grandparents Sassy on the Flintstone World page.  When I first stated being on this computer a lot and I found a wonderful site called Bostons in Common; This is where it all began.  The people there that I have met are great, loving, caring people.  It is like a big family; in fact, it is and I am proud to be a part of that family. Several folks I met those many years ago are very dear to my heart. I have since then found more great boston sites to visit.   The links below will take you to the various pages I have created. I love my Bostons and go crazy sometimes with wanting to show them off.  In the picture below is our Snorts; With a sad, heavy heart our Snorts passed to Rainbow Bridge on 26 January 2004. She is deeply missed and not a day goes by that I do not think of her. I have finally done a Memorial Page for her.  We moved to Arizona in Feb 06.  Will be adding Arizona Adventures soon.  Sadly our Bruzer joined his momma Snorts, 29 January 2007.  I have his Memorial Page added.  We have also learned that Pebbles daddy, Yogi, passed away Apr 07.  We have a link below with some of his pictures.
Bogey & Bosley
Acrobatic Boston
Bedrock Brag Book
Boston Reunion-
Vegas 2004
Bogey's Family's Visit
to the Mountains
Boston Flintstone World
Boston Terrier Links
Flintstone Pebbles
Flintstone Rescue
Human Family
Friends I've Met
Native American Family
Rainbow Bridge
Immune Hemolytic Anemia
Pebbles Talking
The Courtship to the Wedding
LoneWolf Custom Wood
Red Thunder Flutes
Colorado Home
Arizona Here We Are
Pebbles Dad
Meet Miss Hocus Pocus