to P.L.A.H.R., a sitelet addressing what is quickly
becoming a serious problem in the Petz community.
play pretend for a while, shall we? You've hexed a
breed. It's a beautiful breed, a magnificent breed. A
breed like no other. It's an instant hit, the latest
craze of the community. You are floating on air because
you have hexed the next Border Collie. Then, you go to
several sites. What do you see?
Your breed. Your precious creation, posted everywhere
for download, with or without credit given, it
doesn't matter. You posted on your site that this breed
was not to be redistributed on other sites, yet still
here it is. Some sites claim they are getting around the
restriction by linking directly to YOUR download on your
server, but they are violating your rights just as much.
a nice feeling, eh?
certain members of the Petz community end up feeling
that way a lot. They are the creatives of the community,
those who hex breeds, clothes, and other items for the
good of the community. But still their rights are
trampled on, as if by sharing their creations they give
away every shred of right they have. And that's wrong.
Does an author find copies of his work everywhere after
he is published? It's the same thing, you know, sharing
a creation. Yet we give the author respect enough not to
do that. Why don't we give the same considerations to
the creatives of the Petz world?
us. Breed redistribution must stop. Say no to those
sites with massive collections of other people's
creations, that redistribute hexed breeds or clothes
without the permission of the creators. Say no to
unauthorized conversions - did you know that even if you
convert a breed from P3 to P4, you cannot redistribute
it or put it up for download without the permission of
the original creator? It's true, take a gander at
copyright law for yourself. Just say no and boycott
those sites without the creativity to make breeds of
their own, those who take without asking, those who
steal. And support the creatives of your community,
those who create new wonders for you to enjoy.
us. Take a banner or a button. Link to http://plahr.cjb.net.
Spread the word around the community that you stand for
the rights of original hexers everywhere. It's your
community - what would it be like without those people?
Think about it...

is a joint project of Cybriar
and Daizy
Copyright © Andrea
& Artemis,
Graphics copyright © Andrea, 2000.
forever! |