This site was created in the spirit of feline fun and friendship.
I hope you enjoy your stay and visit often!
Forgive me my dear friends for not updating this site, but my true love, my little Dog the cat, crossed the rainbow bridge on 6/26/03, and I've been unable to continue for some time. I promise to come back to you all as soon as I possibly can! He was sick for some time and the vet had diagnosed him with a recurring respiratory incfection. At the end, his little body gave out and a new vet discovered that he actually had Lymphoma. He was my sweetie right up until the last moment of his life and I will miss him forever! I love and thank you all for your support!
Coming soon, Trixie Lou and Crashy too!
They're weird, they're wacky, They're my cats!
They are Dog's legacy. After all, he started me on my feline addiction, and I can't wait to share them with you all!Here's a sneak peak...
Please bear with me while I revamp, recollect, and dedicate a memorial site to my beloved!
One of my very favorite things in life is a good cat nap, so click on the snoozing computer cat below to enter The Dog's House and get to know me!
My other pages are listed in the drop down menu and site map below.
If your browser is not java enabled,
please use the "cat"egorized menus below:Have fun!
Banner Exchange Cat Links Clubs and Rings Thanks and Credits
Measue's Rainbow Bridge Page It is with a sad heart that I must share the news that my good friend Dusty took his journey to The Rainbow Bridge on 7/7/00.
Our thoughts and prayers are with his meowmie, Flo and brofur, Levi.
Please click on the candle to visit Dusty and see what a sweet boy he was, and to share in the joy of his life here on Earth.
Our joy is not only in creating this site,
but in visiting other pages as well.
Please sign our guest book, so that we can find you
and paw our way to your cyber home!
Click below to view comments from previous visitors to Dog the cat!
I'm listed with Pet Directory!
If you have a moment, please click here to rank my Site at Cat Links.
Thank you furrrrry much!
furrriends have pounced through Dog the cat
since September 7, 1998
This site was last updated December 3, 2005
Unless credit has been otherwise noted, all of my backgrounds were created by little old me. Please do not use them without my purrrrmision. If you'd like to use a version of one of the backgrounds, please contact me, and I'll be happy to make one for you.
© 1998-2001 Terry Wheeler
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