Welcome: from the Adams' Family Pets
2 cats and a dog
If you have followed a link I sent you please click on the cat below to learn of the change in my family. I thank you for caring enough to follow the link.
Hello, my name is Hannah. As the oldest of the Adams' animals I was allowed the honor of introducing you to our page. I suppose I could have gone as far as adding my picture and flaunting myself but we decided that this would be the mutual kick off page and we would add links to each of our own pages. After all, I can't be expected to share a page with that smelly dog!!! Actually, he isn't too bad, just don't tell him I said that or I'll deny it with my last meow.
Hi, I'm Darkie! While those lazy cats were sleeping I got on here and got busy. With mom's help I made 2 whole pages about me! So, go ahead click on the pup above and start looking into my life! Then I suppose you could head back and look at the furballs pages.
Hannah here again, I was not being lazy! It's not my fault us beautiful cats need more rest than smelly dogs (get use to it, I say that alot about him). Anyway, after sanitazing the keyboard from his doggie touch I was able to begin work on my own pages. Just click on the cat above. I'm not at all that scary, but I know that is how Darkie sees me so I thought it was just right!
Hello, my name is Ashton. I finally have my pages up! I'm either too busy playing or sunning myself, so they are not as big as Hannah's but they have all the necessary info.
WE ARE SO PROUD! UPDATE!!! We just won another award!!!!!! We decided we should build a page just for our awards. So, please go look at them. Click
the gold star.
Our human's page
As with all families, sometimes we lose a pet and it totally breaks our heart. Please click on the paw to go see a story of a beloved pet that my entire family lost.
We shopped for graphics on all of our pages at:
We give multiple thanks to the creator for allowing us to use her hand made designs.
Hey, check this out! We helped solve the "Case of the Missing Jewels! Go check it out by clicking on the medal, it is totally fun!
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