Welcome to

Petsburgh Angel Program Banner

This program is for Petsburgh homesteaders who are new to web page designing and HTML. The scope of this program goes far beyond the normal duties of a Community Leader. You can receive daily one-on-one help that will allow you to have a page on Geocities in no time! Our Angels love to help, so don't be shy about asking them to help you. Your Angel will stay with you until you feel confident with your new abilities.

If you have attempted to use GeoBuilder & can't figure it out, here are a couple of great help pages!

GeoBuilder Help Page

Another GeoBuilder Help Page

So if you are looking for help with your homepage and are ready to be touched by our Angels.
Come on in.

The Angel Program is always on the lookout for homesteaders who are prepared to help others build their hompages. I you feel you would like to participate by becoming a Petsburgh Homesteader Helper Angel you would be more than welcome.
For more details, click here.

Community Leaders wanting to join this Committee
Join here.


Angels are:

Angel Cuffie - Chair
Angel Susan - Co Chair
Angel Aly
Angel Carissa
Angel Cazza
Angel Emmy
Angel Evelyn
Angel Jeane
Angel Karen
Angel Keith
Angel Qedrin
Angel Christine - Homesteader Angel Helper
Angel Robin - Homesteader Angel Helper
Angel Nibbles - Homesteader Angel Helper
Angel Stephanie - Homesteader Angel Helper

Petsburgh Station Site of the Week Award Petsburgh Post

BlueRibbon Award Pride of Petsburgh Award


Wellesley Treasure House

Updated March 20, 1999
Background © 1998 Petsburgh Angel Program.
The Petsburgh Angel Program originated from the Wellesley Angel Program, Created by Femtech, Wellesley Liaison, Oct, 1997.

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