It is with a heavy heart that we must report that Mandy was eased into her transition on October 15, 2005, hav-
ing contracted out-of-control diabetes and cushing's disease. In the last few days before her passing, she was not eating, she remained stationary - not moving even to eat or drink. She was the love of our lives and will be missed very much.
The hardest thing we've ever done was to let her go - but we needed to think of Mandy's needs, not ours.

At this point, I am
presenting the sympathy card sent by the Deerwood Animal Clinic,
the medical clinic we used for Mandy for the past three years. We
will be eternally grateful to the staff of the Clinic and are
totally appreciative of the support and sympathy the caring staff
at the Clinic showed to us -- and to Mandy. Below are the front
and back sides of the card they sent: with everyone
having signed the card. To the staff and
veterinarians of the Deerwood Animal Clinic, thank you very much
for everything!
After Mandy died, one of our dearest friends sent us a note which included a letter
that had been written to Ann Landers in 1986. She felt it would help us in our
grieving process. And it did.
I include it here so that, perhaps, someone else may find it inspirational and may
decide to send it to another or to help herself through the grief that attends the loss
of our dearest animal-friends/companions.
To view this letter Click here