Debbie K and the Full House Kits
Allison, the Duchess of Yowl
Hut, the Magnificat
Sidney Pawtier, the Red Baron
and Wide Body Bob, the Cat

Bridge Kitties: Lily the Lovely and Daks the Alien Enchantress

Hi and welcome to my page! Please visit often - the page is always being changed!

Here you'll meet Allison, Her Meezerness the Duchess of Yowl.

Pretty, pretty girl!

Allison gets a new brother and sister! Hut the Magnificat and Lily the Lovely joined our household on Sunday, Sept. 20th, 1998. They are lilac point Siamese and just as cute as can be. Here they are with their Auntie Duchess, just turned 5 months old!

Here is Hut, just turned 10 months old

Here’s a later picture of Hut, hanging out on the patio with Bob

And here is Lily, about a year old. Sadly, Lily the Lovely left us for the Rainbow Bridge in December of 2000. We think of her often and picture her at the bridge, playing with all the other animals that have passed before us.

On Sunday, May 2, 1999, the Red Baron, Sidney Pawtier came to live with us. The Baron is a Flame Point Siamese, and was very young...just 5 weeks old when he made his home with us. He has grown up to be a handsome boy!

Here's Sid at almost 11 months old. He's over 9 years old now and the one of the biggest cats of our household at 17 pounds!

Sid is a handsome boy now.

On Tuesday, May 4, 1999, Jedzia Daks, the Alien Enchantress arrived. She is a Seal Point Siamese. She was a beautiful 10 week old kitten then, and already knew how to wrap you around her little paw!

What sweet little babies - the first week they lived with us!

....and here they are 2 months later...

Daks posed for her 9 month birthday which was December 1st, 1999...

Then, she went over to have a short conversation with Hut and Lily

Sid and Daks were growing up, but still liked to curl up together!

Of course, Hut and Daks have to check out the new firepot for our new home in Nashville!

Hut and Daks playing on the patio in Nashville!

Daks has grown into a real beauty (and I think she knows it)

Sadly, Daks went to join Lily the Lovely at the Rainbow Bridge on July 16, 2007. She is greatly missed and the house is very quiet without her.

Wide Body Bob, the Cat joined our household in October of 2001. He was rescued from the parking lot where I worked in Nashville and had had a bad accident with his tail. We trapped him and took him to the vet and had to have his tail amputated. The next two pictures are when we first had WBB, just back from the vet. He didn’t look real happy, and after about 4 days, finally let me pet him.

He was very afraid of people, but in the 7 plus years he’s lived with us has turned completely around and is now a big lap cat.

Here’s Bob when we first were building our patio after returning to Austin, giving everyone his opinion

Here’s Bob’s favorite place to hang out – in a bread basket.

WBB and Sid are my big boys – we call them the sumo wrestlers because they both come in at about 17 lbs.

We built the cats a "Kitty Kondo"...Here’s a few pictures of putting it together. No more litter inside the house! It’s all on the screened in patio!

Allison, Hut & Lily, Sid & Daks are proud members of the SICC. Please visit their site..

A pack 'o meezers!

The Siamese Internet Cat Club is dedicated to the loving memory of Zeke, our Siamese Imperial Leader.

April 1984 - November 1997
We miss you, Zeke!

At SICC you will also find the Siamese Rescue sites – people all across the US, doing an excellent job of finding homes for Siamese in need. Please visit their site – the kitten or cat of your dreams may be staring out of the monitor at you!

This page has won the "Sam Award". Thank you Aad, for this honor!

More about Allison, the Duchess

The Duchess has many friends - here are a few

Aad's Cats & Zappa
Debbie H's page

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