Petsburgh would like to honor those sites in the Feature Page Program. All sites receiving Feature Page status prior to moving to Petsburgh will be listed here. These sites are identified by the GeoCities STAR in the Petsburgh block listing. If your site is a Featured Page and is not yet in the list, please contact us.
Alfie's Haunted House - Alfie is a miniature schnauzer who has a brand new house with links, music, awards, photos, and friends
Amy's Page of Pets - This page is mostly devoted to Siberian Huskies, but is constantly expanding into info and links for other breeds.
Bear's Bark - About pets and dedicated to a Pomeranian named Bear.
CaraBella Standard Schnauzers - Information on the breed with lots of photographs and show information.
Cass' Homestead- Visit the Kuvasz and Golden Retriever Pages.
Cat Lovers Page- Provides cat education for humans.
Cheryl's Pets- Visit the home of Cheryl's pets.
Chip-Chips Little Block on the WEB - Prairie Dog and his exotic friends.
Chiquenaude's Cats - Cats and Catz site. Adopt a Glamour Cat.
Coastal Carolina Bird Society- Brings avian lovers together to trade information, educate the public in the care of their avian pets, and to help breeders find mates for their single birds.
Gabby's Cat Corner- and Gabby's Graphic Station. Cat stories, pictures and graphics in English and German.
Harraden's Habitat - Site of exotic bird breeders who are dedicated Jimmy Buffett Parrottheads.
Istari Shelties and Eskies- Information on Shetland Sheepdogs and American Eskimo Dogs.
Katie's Chinchilla Planet - Information about two chinchillas named Whittiker and Callisto.
Lisa's Critters Page- Meet the crazy bunch at Lisa's place.
Le Cobaye's Guinea Pigs- Stories and pictures about Dolphi, Baby, and Guppy.
Maximillion's Boxers- Meet the Boxers - information and lovely pictures.
Mischief's Wonderful World- Mischief the Prairie Dog is host of this wonderful site. Mischief offers information on Prairie Dogs as well as his family.
Misha's world wide woof - Information on Misha - a Malamute/Collie-Shepherd X.
Penny's From Heaven- Information on Penny the Boston Terrier.
The Pet Folio- Tons of information for you and your petz - online pet resource.
Rested Dog Inn- Peter and Waita Klapwijk and all the Rott-n-ones at the Rested Dog Inn - Great information.
Roxi's Page - A page by Roxi the Yorkie - about Roxie and breed information.
Sam and Lady's Doghouse- Home of two very special Cocker Spaniels.
Saava's Cat Cabana- Cat "luver" information.
Sage Farrets- Free ferret information resource located in the SW Pennsylvania region.
Shelties4 Life - Information about the breed along with links to some great canine organizations and societies.
The Siberian Husky - Information on the Siberian Husky, training, photos, greeting cards and more.
Tralhavets Mellonschnauzer P & S - Breeders and exhibitors of the Standard Schnauzer in Sweden.
Winrose Shelties - If you enjoy Shelties, check out this page. You'll find poetry, some words of wisdom, family stories, and lots of pictures.
Button for Hall of Fame Sites. Please point button to this URL.
Last updated October 1998