ButtonsM and Company

Thank you for visiting this page. As you can tell, it has been under construction for a long time and I don't update often enough. During the last few years, Sam, Patricia and Buttons have passed to the Rainbow Bridge. They will always be missed.

The well-lived but not long enough lives of 3 bunnies who rocked:
Buttons (1994-2005)was white & black lop. He was very mellow but with a little bit of a feisty streak.
Likes: Patricia, shedding newspaper, snoozing, snacks, batting around anything he can with his paws. Decided he likes Sam, after all.
Dislikes: Being interrupted for anything! Being picked up! Changes in routine.
Quote: "Everything here is mine and don't forget that!"

Patricia (1996-2005) was a year old very independant and free spirited dwarf bunny.
Likes: Buttons and Sam, sniffing bunnies & humans, begging for treats, chewing anything she can get her teeth on, teasing Buttons and Sam.
Dislikes: Being picked up. Being disturbed by Buttons while she's in the litterbox. People she doesn't know.
Quote: "Is this edible?"

Sam (1998(?)-2003)- Friendly, good natured grayish/brownish/whitish lop. (Reminds one of his vet's staff of a Siamese cat) Rejected "Easter Bunny". Likes: People, cuddles, searching & destroying, high jumping. He's the only bun who doesn't mind being picked up.
Dislikes: His cage door closed. Limp greens.
Quote: "I hopped, I saw, I shredded!".

These bunnies were spayed/neutered. I think there are already too many bunnies lacking homes, also it's better for them for various health reasons. For more details, I recommend the House Rabbit Society Page They explain the good reasons better & more eloquently than I can.

Links to other sites on the Web

Pat's Page - More Bunny Pictures (From Patricia's point of view)
Buttons' Club House - More Pictures of Patricia and Buttons
More bunny and bird pictures
House Rabbit Society