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Yorkshire Terrier's & Miniature Pinschers

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I  am in the Site Fights You can click on the above banner to take you directly to the voting page. I need all the votes I can get,
please come back by and vote for my site. Thank you Cindy


"A Tiny treasure Will Capture Your Heart!!"

Hello and welcome to my home.  Kick off your shoes and sit back and lets talk about our dogs.  This is small right now, but it will grow and expand over time.  I will have a page of links that will take you on your journey to other Miniature Pinscher sites or Yorkie sites, as well as just some fun things.

We are a small kennel where all our dogs and puppies are raised with love and in the home under our feet.  We strive for temperament and conformation as we are active in the Show Ring. 

All our Yorkies and Miniature Pinschers are CKC registered and come with our 1 (one) year written health guarantee.  They are vetted, vaccinated and come with a health certificate and all records.  

We have litters through out the year and only place our pups into APPROVED homes.  Companion or pet puppies are sold on a spay/nueter agreement.

Our Yorkie and Miniature Pinscher stud dogs are at Private Treaty Only to Approved bitches.

So grab a cup of coffee or a soda and let's talk. 


Cool Site Award Animated Shooter Smiling

My Second Award !!  

If this keeps up, will have to make me an award page !!


Free GuestBooks by Phaistos!

Read My Guestbook! | Sign My Guestbook!

Just CLICK on the BAR below, and by doing so it will automatically send me a short note which includes your e-mail address and I will then send you some further information.






Tinytreasuer's Questionaire if You are considering a Tinytreasure Treasue !!

 Thank you, Robyn Renwick of  Carriage Lane Internet,  for the designing and use of this questionaire.

This Min Pin Ring site is owned by
Cindy McKay.

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Yorkshire Terrier Web Ring

This Yorkshire Terrier Web Ring site
is owned by Tiny Treasures.

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