Deb's Dog's

I am the proud owner of 4 very special pups. Each one has it's own story to tell. All of them are mixed breeds and I would not change any of them even if I could. I have two male dogs Tracker, and Troy, and two females Rollie and Sarah. Sarah is the newcomer of the group she was born on July 9th 1998. I would like to give you some history and events of my furry babies.

This is Tracker he is a springer spaniel beagle mix. He is about four years old. In this picture he is standing on a crate looking out the window. This is Trackers favorite place, he lets us know when there is someone or something outside.

One year at Christmas there was a wrapped Christmas tin of dog biscuits under the tree. Tracker stood guard over the "cookies" when ever Troy or Rollie would go near the tin, Tracker would give them a warning to stay away. Tracker is my special boy, he really loves to have his belly rubbed and his head petted. When he feels as if he is being ignored he will come up to us and nudge our hands so that we will pet him. I really love my "little man" Tracker. Tracker and his brother were found abandoned in front of a local store. The humane society rescued him and we adopted him from them.


This is Rollie she is a mix of many kinds. She is three years old and I have had her since she was 5 weeks old. Rollie is a very good dog although she has problems with her ears. Her ears are always getting infections in them it is quite a chore keeping those ears clean. Rollie has had a skin tumor called a mast cell tumor. She had two surgeries on her belly were the tumor was and has been free of any other problems with this disease. When she was diagnosed I was really upset because I had lost another dog to cancer just 2 years before. Rollie was only two when this happened and I couldn't believe that a dog this young would have a mast cell tumor. Today Rollie is a happy healthy dog except for her ears. Everyone who knows Rollie is prepared to get sloppy kisses when they come to visit. Rollie loves everyone and she is a really sweet dog. When Rollie was three weeks old a women came and wanted the vet to put a litter of five puppies to sleep. The humane society got them and adopted them out. That is how we got our Rollie.

This handsome gentleman is Troy AKA Troyboy. Troy is a two-year-old German shepherd, husky, and Chow mix. Troy is a really good dog who is a protector of the family. He is really big and at times he looks very fierce. He intimidates many people at first, but once they get to know him they love him. He is very sweet and loves everyone as long as they don't force their attentions on him. Troy was found abandoned on a country back road and the people who lived on the road were going to shoot him. He was than picked up by the humane society were we got him from. We are pretty sure he was abused as a young dog because he was very afraid and kept his tail between his legs for a few weeks. He is shy around new people especially men.

This is the most recent addition to our family. Her name is Sarah and she was born on July 9th 1998. We got her a month later. Sarah's mother was a Dalmatian but they are not sure what her father is. They think maybe a rottweiler, or a black lab. Sarah is very cute but as all babies do she is growing to fast. We got her from a local farm whose dog accidentally got breed by a non Dalmatian. It is fun although challenging raising a puppy. I forgot how often you need to take them out and feed them. I love her very much and I am enjoying her puppy hood.

Here is a cute picture of baby Sarah and Rollie. I can't believe how small she once was.



 Important things you can do for your pets

 Spay or neuter


 Lots of love and care

 Food and plenty of water

 Proper training

 There are so many unwanted animals in the world please be responsible and prevent unwanted litters.


If you would like to contact me you can e-mail me at