A White Face Cockatiel
Here are my other birds, that I have and some I used to have. I hope you don't mind the wait for the loading, I just couldn't pick a few photos to share with you! The first photo is of a White face cockatiel, if you notice, he doesn't have any orange cheek marks and is only grey and white, no yellow. They are very pretty birds and I used to have few of them, too. The next photos are of some baby birds that I once handfed for a friend. I know it is werid to see baby birds, all bald and such, but kind of neat too! These babies are a Macaw and 2 African Greys. The Macaw is a Catalina, which is a mix breed of a Scarlet and Blue and Gold macaw. They make very pretty birds, like little rainbows! They say that Greys are the best talking birds and can make all sorts of noise. I have never owned either of these birds personally.
Catalina Macaw baby A catalina macaw and a african grey baby. 1 macaw and 2 grey babies I hand fed for a friend.

The nest photos are of some other parakeets, called Moustached Parakeets. They are very colorful birds, with their bright oarnge beaks. We had some of these, but no pets, there do talk and are nice to have as pets as long as they are handfed and tame, I think that can be said for all larger birds, other than Cockatiels and budgies.
A baby Moustached Parakeet. An older Moustached Parakeet
In the next photo, you will see a little green and yellow parakeet, he was Homor, he is in bird heaven now, I will tell you about him later!
Homor the talking parakeet and a baby Moustached Parakeet.

Now we get into the most common pet bird, the parakeet or budgie or in fact the first photo is of 2 of my English Budgies, they are bigger than the ones you normaly have as pets. I think they are VERY beautiful, but are harder to breed, or least for me they were.
English Budgies
Here are some group photos of parakeets! These little guys are easy to breed. And can have up to 9 babies in one clutch! They hate stuff in their nestboxes. I found out by cleaning up lots of mess, the female will actually throw the stuff out or the nest box! In parakeets the mom does all the work. She sits on the eggs and feeds the babies when they are small. The dad does feed her, so she can turn around and feed them. They are neat little birds and so colorful.
Some of my breeder parakeets A baby parakeet I handfed. Some of my baby parakeets

Now we get into some of my pets, that I had over the years. I had a grey cockatiel, and he is still with me. I named him Slater, he is a sweet little guy, he doen't talk, but he is really tame and loves for me to whistle. He can whistle good too. He loves to hear the Andy Griffith Show tune! These are photos of Slater, Hoppy and my black masked love bird, Pee Wee, he is in birdy heaven also. PeeWee was a cute little guy, I hand fed him from day 7
PeeWee, Slater, and Hoppy. Slater Pee Wee the Black Masked Lovebird and Slater the cockatiel.
The next photo is of my Lutino Ring Neck, Goldie, the guy I kept the baby macaws and greys for, gave him to me. He wasn't a very tame bird although he was hand fed. But a very pretty bird to look at!
Goldie" Goldie the Lutino Ring Neck Parakeet
The next photo is of Homor and my Dutch Blue Peach Faced Lovebird, named blue. Homor was the first and last parakeet I had that talked! And he did it very clear and very well. The story is kind of cute! I had his mom and dad, and I don't even know why kept him, but I did. So I used to have him in my bedroom. One morning, I woke up and thought someone was outside, calling my love birds name! I heard "Come Here PeeWee", "I love PeeWee!" I looked at my hubby and he looked at me and then we looked around the room. There he was just a jabbering to PeeWee! It was so cute!
Homor and Blue a Dutch Blue Peachfaced LovebirdHomor

The last photos are cockatiels I had. I think these are really sweet birds and they make great beginner birds. I have never heard one talk, tho. The first is a Pied Cockatiel, they are one of my favorite colors in the cockatiel family, but one of the hardest to sex!
A Pied cockatiel Young grey cockatiel cockatiels
The photo below are some babies I hand fed. Unlike the Quaker babies, I became to hate these little babies! They cry on and on and drive you nuts, or at least they did me! I would say they are my least favorite to handfeed. I did it for 2 years without a break, and it wasn't fun any more, so I quit doing it. Cockatiels are easy to breed also. You do have to plan to get the colors you like, but that takes time and lots of reading. I always say, it isn't the color of the parent, but the grandparents that count! Cockatiels are different than parakeets, in that the male help with babies! He will set half the time and she sets the other half. He will also go in and feed the babies. My males are the ones that always let me know if there are babies hatched in the nest! They run back and forth and go nuts. They also gobble down food like crazy!
Young handfed cockatiels.
That is my bird photo gallery, I will add more information later, so please come back!