Hello...I am Tracie and am glad to see that you have stayed to read this far. My interests are:
Animals, Reading, Fishing, Music, and lots more. Nothing makes me feel better than a day spent in a zoo or other animal spot. I fully enjoy any opportunity that I have to interact with wildlife , while at the same time not bothering their natural habitat.
I have noticed while surfing the web that there are alot of animals out there that need good homes.I have recently started gathering various linksand rings.I hope that you will visit these sites,and maybe in your own small way, help those that are not lucky enough to have loving homes.I realize that this is a seperate issue from the main reason for starting this site,but in a way they go hand in hand.
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to my site
This page was last updated on October 9,2000
I Dedicate This Page To My Home Zoo

![[Women on the Web
I recieved this award on October 16,1998.I am very proud to have it.
I hope you enjoy my reviews...if you don't I hope you will let me know....Please scroll down and contact me on ICQ....or create your own page.

Zoo Map

Links to Zoos and my favorite sites
Webrings that I belong to.

My very dear friend Carl sent these to me,hope you like them.

Please take a moment to let me know what you think of my site,or to tell me about a Zoo or Animal Park.Thank You
Page me on icq.
Please come back soon and visit me.
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Starting Point Hot Site.
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