Magdalena's Parrot HomePerch

a.k.a. Romana's HomePerch

Last Updated 12/20/2005

Hello, and Welcome to my parrots' homepage!

My name is Magda, and I'm the webmistress of this page, which is dedicated to my conures Jester (the one chewing my glasses above) and Buddy, my Parrotlet Lucy, and to my mother's birds. Please feel free to visit each of them. Each of their branches has photos of and stories about the bird who occupies it. Also, please take a look at the link page, for more information on various parrots.

Romana's Cockatiel HomePerch
is occupied by a lovely cinnamon pearl cockatiel hen, who is over 20 years old.

Jester's Conure Perch
is home to a charming and very clever maroon belly conure.

Smidgin's Parrotlet Perch
is the dwelling of a tiny green rump hen.

And coming soon - Lucy's Parrotlet Perch.
Lucy is a 10 year old pacific parrotlet, and the newest addition to the household.

Links to Bird Websites

Visit some of our favorite pages, with lots of information on and pictures of cockatiels, conures, parrotlets and other birds.

Bird Webrings

Links to lots of Bird Related Webrings.

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Guestbook by Lpage
This page has been visited times since July 26, 1997

Awards for this page

Heavenly Feathers

Tazmen's Page

Deacon's Page

ChirpinTiels Aviary

Go visit my other pages!

Magdalena's Miscellany
Includes information on the middle ages and my alter ego there,
pictures of cakes I've decorated,
a page dedicated to the cement goose on my mother's porch and her many fashionable outfits
and other fun links including a bunch of clipart sites.

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