<BGSOUND SRC="/joni71/a-memories.mid">
HI, my name is PEANUT and I have an older brother SPANKY. Hope you can stay awhile.
We'd like to tell you a little about ourselves.
I lived in an animal shelter hoping everyday that I would be adopted by a good family.  My wish came true the day my family-to-be walked in.  Of course the word was out that we were expecting company .
I'm the youngest in the family and I'm always getting into some kind of trouble.  In the morning as soon as I open my eyes my troubles begin.  I'm always doing something wrong. Like knocking  MOM'S pens off the table and I always try to drink her coffee..... I can't start my day until I get just one lick.
I  always lay on the paper when someone read it because I know they'll stop reading and play with me. Sometimes I lay on the paper and as they turns the pages they just keep covering me up.  I don't think anyone even knows I'm under there.
Pens are my favorites.  I always knock them off the table so I can play with them. When MOM looks for them I hide because she always looks straight at me.  It's true when people say, "ANYTHING NOT NAILED DOWN IS A CATS TOY."
Yes, I also do the crossword puzzle...... when I'm not to tired..............................................................
I enjoy watching MOM play gin on the computer.
I have to get that mouse. 
He's a quick little thing.  Just like me.
Everytime I get close to  him he runs away.  I'm not giving up, he has to get tired sometime.
My brother SPANKY'S a great guy. I know he loves me because even when I sleep he has to be right next to me. When MOM and DAD go to bed we have the run of the house.  SPANKY gets a little rough sometimes but I put him in his place.  I may be small but I'm tough.   Plus, I'm sure MOM would yell at him.
SPANKY'S really handsome but very shy.  He has a good reason and I'm sure he'll tell you why.
It really isn't funny but I laugh when I think of it.

OK SPANKY, the keyboard is yours..........WAKE UP......
So I cleaned up and was on my very best behavior.  When TARA came near the cage, opened the door and picked me up, it was LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. I knew I  was going  HOME..........
I love to hide under the covers when MOM makes the bed.  I always get chased but I go right back. Its nice and warm under there.  After a while I leave her alone,
I know she wants to get done.
When I see a paper bag on the floor.. WOW ..It becomes my hideout. Even Spanky tries to find me.  He jumps on the bag but he doesn't hurt me.
How do you like my hat? It's the cover of the sugar bowl. I was just playing around with it...
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