Kunoichi's Pet Tails

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Bear with me, I am still working on this site and probably always will be.

My First Pet Memory

My First Pet Memory

My first memory of any encounter with an animal was when I was approximately toddler age and my "mommy dearest" used to often stick me in a large cardboard box as a play pin. But of coarse the usual stuffed animals and toys did not keep me entertained nor contained for long.

So somehow she came up with the idea to put a semi-pet rat in the box with me. Well needless to say it kept me occupied. It gives new meaning to the phrase
'rug rat'.

My Beloved Lotus - Story

HERP Links
Northern California Herpetological Society
Southern Nevada Herpetological Society

Ninpo Taijitsu

Tom's Page
Can you guess which art project I took part in?

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