- Iguana.com

- National Iguana Awareness Day

Ig Association with Amazon.com

- Sleestakk.com

- MK's Iguana Care

- The Iguana Den

- Jennifer Swofford's Iguana Manual

- Reptic Zone

- Look! Another Sleestack Iguana

- Sleestakk Pics

- Slee Halloween Pics

- This site is ALWAYS undergoing major deconstructive surgery.

- This site was last touched 11-05-05.

- not doing a whole lot with the site anymore... 'specially after sleestakk moved to new mexico. had to update something to keep it alive in the annals of geocities.

Ig Association with Amazon.com

- sleestakk Reviews at Epinions.

I'm very sad to report that Sleestakk passed away on October 20, 2005.

1996 - 2005

Sleestakk 1997 Sleestakk 2002

I moved to New Mexico!
Sleestakk moved to Albuquerque during June of 2002. he now lives in the dry desert with his 2 sisters and 2 brothers. is he happy? who knows.
sleestakk is not spelled sleestak.

I'm a bad, bad Iguana... read on!

These pics below were taken when I was still bright green (12/98). Click to see. The big pictures aren't blurry.
Sleestakk in his habitat man, am I fat! I got dirty face take my picture... ...because I am beautiful. I need to get out of here.

Hi, I'm Sleestakk the Iguana, king of iguanas...

I've got some stories to tell! In September '99, I escaped twice. This was during our walks in a nearby field. The first time, I made a mad dash for the bushes that line the pond and Jay couldn't get me in time. So he spent 2 hours crawling around these prickly bushes (wearing shorts & sandals) trying to get me until he lost me. So he went home and I thought I was free!

So I crawled up a small tree (my mistake) and perched on a limb.... then who do I see approaching wearing jeans & boots carrying a broom? Yep, the idiot is coming back this time bringing a friend. Haha, much to their dismay, they still didn't see me! Buffoons! Then right before Jay was about to give up, he happened to look up from the ground he was crawling on and he spotted me.

He went to get his friend to keep an eye on me while Jay went around behind me. I tried to climb higher on the tree but "whap!" next thing I knew I was sitting in the idiot's hand with his other holding my tail. Dumb jerk. I'll tell the other story later... read more of my escapades below.

Ok, here's some good ones (all 100% true). One year ago I jumped off the 8ft ledge around the kitchen onto Jay's head. Ripped a nice 3" gash in his forehead that's left a permanant scar. A week later I attacked him and split his left earlobe leaving another scar. Last May, I jumped out the front window of Jay's new apartment while he was at work. I ripped open the screen... and jumped out the 2nd story apartment. If it wasn't for all the damn kids I would've gotten away before Jay got home. For some reason I think my greens are another Iguana so I must attack them each time Jay feeds me. I am bad.

I love bananas! I REALLY LOVE BANANAS!

Right now, Jay's apartment is MY APARTMENT... I have claimed a 20ft radius around my habitat as all MINE! I still love bananas (yeah, I know they're bad for me but YUM!) which he feeds me with a fork and the field next to the cop shop where I get to play outside (man, what's up with this cold weather??!!). My dislikes are my evil twin, Jay, the Sock Monkey, and Jay... mirrors are evil.

You can see my pages here. And it's a work-in-progress because my owner, Jay, says he's too busy... yeah, right... whatever. He'd rather work on his "other" pages and epinions.com. Lousy bum.

Meanwhile, check out Melissa Kaplan's excellent Iguana Care webpages that got Jay on the right path when he took me in back in August of '97 when I was just over a year old. In case you're wondering, yeah, Jay was on the IML (aka "The Iguana Mailing List") off and on since August '97. Now that he's getting so much email crap for his new job, he doesn't think he has the time to re-sub to the IML.... He tried it once and got like 600 posts in 4 days so that had to stop.

Email me at sleestakk_2000 @ yahoo.com in the meantime.
Please come back and visit me... you never know when Jay is gonna put up more embarrassing pictures of me!
...oh yeah, up the irons!

Check out my Halloween photos!

Backpacking | Great Smoky Mountains | Clifty Wilderness | Black Hills
British Columbia/Alberta | Quetico Provincal Park | Clifty Wilderness Revisited

Jay's Silly Backpacking Pages