Hi! My name is Cotton-Eyed-Joe, and that's me in the picture. Aren't I cute? Mommy and I think that I'm a Maine Coon, but we're not sure. If you have any suggestions, please let us know! I am a 4 year old happy little kitty. My owners are Danielle and Eric. My Mommy is in the process of creating this home for us, so check back often to see how creative she gets! ;o) You're more than welcome to stroll through our house by yourself, I'll just rub against your legs and be constantly underfoot. Mommy seems to like that!
In the meantime, I'll tell you my story. I came to live with Mommy in 1994. I was 8 months old at the time. She rescued me from the local Humane Society. I was minding my own business, just laying in my make-shift litterbox, when I caught her eye. The nice people at the shelter told her that I was brought in with my sisters because our previous owners didn't like us scratching up the house and me spraying it. She said that I was purr-fect (but of course!), filled out the paperwork and the next thing I knew, I was at the vet's office getting nutered. Two days later, I arrived at Mommy's house and soon developed a bad cold. Mommy took me back to the vet's office where they gave her some horrible liquid medicine to give to me three times a day. What a rough time, a new home, a new owner and me with a very bad upper respiratory infection. That time really brought Mommy and me together and by the time she nursed me back to health, we were inseparable and remain that way to this day.
As you can guess, I'm an inside cat (don't let the picture fool you, I HATE the outdoors). With all this beautiful long white hair, who likes to get baths every week? Occasionally, I do venture out onto the front step, but quickly bolt back inside to the warmth and safety of my little apartment.
Have a great time venturing through our quaint little house. Please be sure to visit our "Contact Us" room and please leave us some sign that you were here. Typing the message is preferred by Mommy, she frowns upon my usual method!
Cotton's Rooms

Common Rooms

Danielle's Rooms

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Aaw.. Mom, why did you have to put THAT one up?