The Conure Pages

Starring Bibo, the Sun Conure

Although friendly and beautiful, conures do not get nearly as much press as their larger Psittacine cousins, such as African Grey Parrots, Macaws, and Cockatoos. This is possibly because they are known to be screechy and not as good talkers as these bigger birds. But such cuddly, fun-loving guys deserve better!

In an effort to remedy this sad state of affairs, The Conure Pages will be devoted to all conures, especially the adorable Bibo, a sun conure, and the dearly beloved and sadly departed Opal, a peach-front conure.

The philosophy behind these pages is that there is a lot of information a bird owner needs. A new owner has general questions, a more experienced owner may want to compare her experiences to that of other human/avian couples (IE is my bird normal?), and even the most experienced bird owner (that's NOT me) knows they can always learn something new.

With these ideas as motivation, here are the topics I'll be pursuing. Each page will have a list of appropriate links on it so you can move on from here to more specific pages. Enjoy!

Bibo's diary
Conure information
Parrot care: general
Parrot care: food
Parrot care: bird psychology (just like for kids!)
Teaching a bird tricks
Make your own bird toys!

Please sign Bibo's Guestbook

"She is not dignified, she is not undignified,
she keeps a parrot"

***** Mark Twain *****

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