Hello! I am CinnaBun!
I am 7 weeks old.

I am a holland
lop, without
the lop. You see,
my ears don't flop.

I live with my
human, Christy
in Milpitas,

Christy's Blog

Thursday, August 11, 2005: Two new entries in Bun-E Log AND Two new pics! Just click on Bun-E Log and Bun-E Pics. Hop to it!
Updates will vary. It all depends on the chance of something interesting hapenning. There will most likely be more Bun-E Pics updates...(well...as soon as my human will steal her mom's digital camera that gets barely used).
~Have a glimpse of what it's like to be a bunny. Life through a Bun-E's eyes. Life behind bars. Check out his adventures!~