I am in the process of drastically changing this page right now. If for some reason a link to a poem is no longer up, let me know ASAP and I will fix it. Right now I'm having a little trouble with all my links showing up. I'm currently not updating my pages much as I don't have that much free time right now, but I'm SLOWLY working on it, so PLEASE bear with it.

Before I begin to write my poems, I have a few things that I would like to say to you.
First,I would like to tell you that all of my poems are original and by me. Please don't copy them or use themANYWHERE unless you get my permission first.

Second, I would like to tell you that all of my poems come from deep within myself. I've been told that they are VERY deep and that some of them hit people like they never thought was possible. I write with feeling and even experience on a lot of the topics that I write on.

If you would like to read some even deeper poems, please visit The Dark Side where you will find many of my older poems on the topic of suicide. I am NOT here to promote suicide at all, and more will be explained in The Dark Side.

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Mail to: Kristina Jones