Welcome to crafts galore, where you can fine out how to do projects that can extend from an all day project, to only a half hour project that you could do right after work.  Each project can be completely in five steps.  This page will give easy instruction on candle making, soap making and other crafts that are quite popular now, especially for gift giving.  Hopefully this page will be of assistance to those of you who are looking to get started in crafts. 

Just click on the subject that you want to learn more about:
Beginner's Soap Making
Beginner's Candle Making
Beginner's Stained Glass
If you are a craft person yourself, I would love to hear from you.  Let me know ideas you have about candlemaking, soapmaking, or crafts in general.  This webpage should be a learning place for all to come and learn new things and perfect what we already know how to do. 

Don't forget to take a minute to sign my guestbook with any helpful information for future visitors to this site, thanks!!