This was once a place where Jeja had her website. A time that will forever stay in her memories. But as all young princesses grow up, so did she.

Now she resides somewhere else, some other address in this cyberspace world. If you really want to find her new home and you try hard, you just might. It is not impossible! But Jeja chose to not just point you there. She needs her new space and her privacy. Know that she is still out there and that she thanks you wholeheartedly for coming here.

She wishes to thank the following:

geocities for hosting her site for so long, for making it easy to make a site even when she didn’t know any HTML, but at the same time not limiting her forever expanding knowledge.

all the websites that have inspired her over time (there have been so many starting with Audrey’s World and Purplemist, which no longer exist).

all the websites offering free graphics and clipart that she has used. (for example the picture of Mandy Moore above that she has edited.)

those who gave her site awards.

many many ICQ guys who left entries in her guestbook because she asked them to *wink*.

all others who signed her guestbook.

crushes who inspired her “Thought of the Day” thoughts.

finally, she wishes to thank herself. A completely self-thought website maker whose biggest lesson learned from doing this is that SHE CAN. Not bad for a girl who once wrote “I’d rather write a book,” eh?